Welcome to RPNEWYORK- Elevate your style with artistry and comfort!

Roopa, Luxury, Sustainable fashion, roopapemmaraju, longdresses, dresses, printeddress, silkdress

Each garment is consciously made for you: sewn by hand, adorned with love, and envisioned as a modern heirloom.

Popular Collections

Shop our collection for any occasion (not just for weddings). Designed in New York City and sustainably handcrafted by our team of skilled artisans in our Benagluru, India atelier.

Dragonfly Hand-Embellished Velvet Blazer Hot pink gold embroidered blouse Scarlet Silk Satin Cropped Top Rowena Smocked Silk Mini Dress Multi Print Tiered Dress

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Collection callout

Hope our collection of destination dresses for any occasion (not just for weddings). Designed in New York City and sustainably handcrafted by our team of skilled artisans in our Benagluru, India atelier.

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Our collections are inspired by cultures around the world and designed in New York City before coming to life, stitch by stitch, at our private atelier in India.

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